At the grand age of 250, The Royal Academy knows how to stay relevant. We helped make sure that their iconic summer exhibition was tuned into the way people consume art in the modern, tech-dominated world.

The Royal Academy

The Royal Academy’s Summer Exhibition is the world’s oldest open submission art exhibition. Using an updated twist on Anthropological techniques – that crucially didn’t interfere with the visitor experience – we used data driven insights to reinvigorate their 250-year-old blue print. This insight spearheaded a new strategic plan that increased attendance by 30%, and drove seven-figure growth in art sales, despite decreasing the amount of art on show.
We help Jaguar Land Rover remain the leader in luxury auto-manufacturing.
At the grand age of 250, The Royal Academy knows how to stay relevant. We helped make sure that their iconic summer exhibition was tuned into the way people consume art in the modern, tech-dominated world.
We are helping Metrolinx undertake the largest transportation investment in Ontario’s history.